
The end of consumption

The coronavirus is causing a massive economic recession. People will no longer consume as much as before, but will now buy more consciously, thinking about saving, for fear of a second wave of the virus. With regard to the characteristics that mark the current economic situation in the world caused by the Coronavirus and that will condition it in the future,  according to Deloitte in his report entitled "The Economic Impact of Covid-19" this pandemic could affect the world economy in three main ways: directly affecting production, creating disruptions in the supply chain and market, and by its financial impact on businesses and financial markets. However, much depends on how the public reacts to the disease.  In fact, production and the supply chain were greatly affected by the cessation of consumption, in addition to the closure of borders. The public's reaction to the economic situation generated by the pandemic is proving to be different from their reaction in the 20

Rebuilding the world

The coronavirus appeared in our lives without warning, causing great changes and leading the world to new social, political and economic habits, affecting at the same time the way we live our lives.  After about three months of confinement with all that it has generated of fear and preoccupation, people have finally been able to go out to the streets, adapting to the new reality, characterized by the new rules of protection. A feeling pervades all people that life is going to change, although relatively. We are facing new concepts and norms of social behaviour, social distancing and self-isolation, as well as the closure of bars and restaurants. This situation could last a long time, especially in view of the fear of the second wave of the Coronavirus. In the economic field, it is already known and perceived that the Coronavirus is causing an economic crisis similar to that of 1929. This situation leads us to ask ourselves, What form will this new economic situation take? Econom

how the coronavirus will affect the gap between rich and poor countries ?

The coronavirus pandemic is one of the greatest challenges the world has faced in recent decades. Economically, it can have the same impact as World War II, despite the difference in the number of deaths. It is a challenge for peoples and states, but with different levels of impact, depending on the strength of each country's financial and political institutions. All countries are suffering enormous losses, and the collapse of the economy represents about 8% of the world's gross domestic production (GDP). However, some nations will come out of it with fewer losses and will manage to recover in a few years, while others will, unfortunately, have great difficulty in doing so and will suffer for a long time. The other side of the Coronavirus is that it will further widen the economic gap and freedom of movement between rich and poor nations, and between democratic and authoritarian ones. Before this pandemic, the world was already characterized by a painful gap between r

The world after Coronavirus

After this long period of isolation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, a world totally different from the one we know awaits us out there. People are waiting to get back to normal, but do we really want to get back to normal? We want to return to a world where globalization without limits or alternatives reigns, inadequate exploitation that damages our ecosystems and a society that is more unequal than equal. We imagine that this Coronavirus is a punishment for our way of living, however, we can see this issue from another perspective that consists of changing our way of living. One of the first lessons we will learn will be to live in a diversified economy with production limits. This virus has been able to show the weak and defenseless face of our strong and powerful economic system in which we believe. This catastrophe will cause new economic, social and geopolitical models to flourish. The neediest are those who will be most economically affected by the coronavirus,

Whether we like it or not, Coronavirus will change the way we live and see the world.

You never know how your life may change from one day to the next. Suddenly, a virus is knocking at our door, threatening our lives, entering them without prior permission and changing completely overnight in all areas; the trips planned for months, the weddings, the goals, everything, is suspended because of this host that has come without invitation. We find ourselves, in this atmosphere and fear that reigns, surviving is our only objective, fighting an unequal war, this time it is not about facing a military power but an invisible enemy. Therefore, weapons, fighter planes, missiles, and tanks are not useful, but three methods, some of them simple: 1.-Vaccination. 2.-Immunity. 3.-Change the behavior of society.  It is not the first time we have had to fight against the very laws of nature, viruses have no nationality, they belong to the earth. Well, during the last century alone we had to fight the most terrifying pandemic in the history of humanity "The S

How is the CoronaVirus affecting the economy?

The famous coronavirus has become a very hot topic of debate in recent weeks; on 30 January 2020, the World Health Organisation declared an international health emergency due to the outbreak of the virus that has already infected more than 100,000 people so far and with more than 3,600 deaths worldwide, mainly in China, this virus has already spread to 100 countries. Coronavirus is having a great impact, of course, negative on the economy and markets. The spread of this virus in the world could cause losses of hundreds of billions of Euros. Its spread has affected different sectors but the one that has suffered the strongest blow has been mainly tourism and all the sectors that depend on it, such as the hotel industry and airlines. This is due to people's fear of catching it when they travel. The airlines most affected are the low-cost airlines Ryanair and Easyjet, but the big ones also like the German airline Lufthansa which has canceled more than a third of its flight

Why is the internet more expensive in Spain than in Britain?

The Internet has become an essential tool for our lives, perhaps as much as the light. Everyone is trying to keep up with the digital revolution and keep up with the advances. One revealing aspect of the internet is the mobile phone, today the mobile phone is a device that has become indispensable in our lives, so that 67% of the world's population has a mobile phone so that they do not feel isolated from society. The utilities of the internet-mobile couple are increasing more and more facilitating tasks of our daily life, but we cannot forget that this tool has its prices and we have to pay its expenses whether we want to or not.  However, the prices are not the same depending on where in the world you are. Having just moved from Spain to Great Britain, I knew beforehand that the prices of various goods and services would be higher compared to Spain, as companies usually make their business decisions depending on the nature of the market and purchasing power. However,