Rebuilding the world

The coronavirus appeared in our lives without warning, causing great changes and leading the world to new social, political and economic habits, affecting at the same time the way we live our lives. 

After about three months of confinement with all that it has generated of fear and preoccupation, people have finally been able to go out to the streets, adapting to the new reality, characterized by the new rules of protection.

A feeling pervades all people that life is going to change, although relatively. We are facing new concepts and norms of social behaviour, social distancing and self-isolation, as well as the closure of bars and restaurants.

This situation could last a long time, especially in view of the fear of the second wave of the Coronavirus.

In the economic field, it is already known and perceived that the Coronavirus is causing an economic crisis similar to that of 1929. This situation leads us to ask ourselves, What form will this new economic situation take?

Economic systems are very difficult to change. Economies follow a very determined trajectory that is even impossible to modify; but when they receive a blow as deep as this one, the opportunity to effect change arises, whether we want it or not.

Business travels are considered essential for successful projects. Now many companies are forced to stop this type of travel, finding other alternatives such as video call meetings. This may make us realize that in the end this change is not so negative as it will be more environmentally friendly, employees will not have to give up their family lives and expenses will be drastically reduced.

In other sectors, the change has also had a positive effect, such as education. Many universities have strengthened their platforms by offering online modules, which positively affects students and provides a cheaper offer. 

As for remote work, the situation has made working from home a necessity. The consequences of this are that people work longer hours, coordinated work will be more difficult and all the benefits of being physically present will be lost, developing relationships, trust and team spirit. 

Little by little, we will notice how these new habits are building our new reality and the world in which we will live from now on, being more sustainable with our approach and appreciating more the little things in life that we did not enjoy so much before.

In short, countries are thinking about rebuilding the economy of the country, and we will wait for the plans of the experts in this regard.

The most important thing is to get people out of unemployment and give them new hope.


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