Whether we like it or not, Coronavirus will change the way we live and see the world.

You never know how your life may change from one day to the next. Suddenly, a virus is knocking at our door, threatening our lives, entering them without prior permission and changing completely overnight in all areas; the trips planned for months, the weddings, the goals, everything, is suspended because of this host that has come without invitation. We find ourselves, in this atmosphere and fear that reigns, surviving is our only objective, fighting an unequal war, this time it is not about facing a military power but an invisible enemy. Therefore, weapons, fighter planes, missiles, and tanks are not useful, but three methods, some of them simple:



3.-Change the behavior of society.

 It is not the first time we have had to fight against the very laws of nature, viruses have no nationality, they belong to the earth. Well, during the last century alone we had to fight the most terrifying pandemic in the history of humanity "The Spanish Flu". However, we are talking about a different context. Now we live in a society intoxicated by social networks and the world of opinion. We have needed this blow to realize, who is worthy of our applause, how easily we can give total importance to the most superficial thing in the world as the last gossip of a football player or some gossip of a reality show. We build the cover of our life with our super cool Instagram profiles, based on the world of appearance and opinion, a life designed virtually by us and directed by deceitful demagogues. Now in hard times is when the focus has shifted to people who are actually the mainstay of our public life such as doctors, nurses, scientists, who put their lives at risk daily by society. 

We are used to seeing similar situations in movies, but we doubt the possibility that these events can become our reality. Politics has moved away from its true purpose, which is to improve the world, to become a spectacle where injustice reigns and is strengthened by ignorance; where one does not see humanity only in humans whose only objectives are the struggle for power and corruption. 

We live in a world that constantly divides us, but in the eyes of the virus, we are all equal. We have to say goodbye to the virtual world and live in reality. Whether we like it or not, Coronavirus will change the way we live and see the world.



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